JDB on BBC Three Counties Radio Today

I will be returning to the airwaves today in discussion with Ronnie Barbour’s The Other One Show on BBC Three Counties’ Radio. We will be addressing the degree to which American citizens have a greater access to the presidency than their British counterparts do to become prime minister.
I will be considering the history of the American presidency in an attempt to place this long held believe to the test. Can Americans really go from a log cabin to the White House in the twenty-first century? Was this ever really the case? What impact do structures, party unity and union powers have in the process?
These issues and more will be addressed in what will no doubt be a fascinating interview. Tune in online at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p001d7nr

Of Ambassadors and the enforcement of Free Speech

October 20, 2011

JDB on London's LBC 97.3 fm Tonight at 21:20 GMT

October 20, 2011