JDB in Conversation with Richie Allen on Talk Radio Europe

I will be returning to the airwaves this evening in my capacity as the Chief North American Correspondent for Talk Radio Europe.
I will be joining Richie Allen’s Evening Show to discuss the financial situation in the United States and the implications for President Obama’s re-election campaign. What impact will this standoff with the Republicans have for the forthcoming presidential election season?
In a wide-ranging session I will also be addressing the growing ramifications of the phone hacking saga as it crosses the Atlantic to draw in former members of Fleet Street now working in the US.
Tune in to hear me discuss these vital issues with Richie Allen on The Tonight Show at 18.00 UK time, 13:00 EST.
Talk Radio Europe is available on-line at http://www.talkradioeurope.com/assets/mediaplayer.php

JDB Returns to the Airwaves with Talk Radio Europe

July 28, 2011

JDB on SKY News Tonight with Andrew Wilson

July 28, 2011