JDB at the International Studies Conference in Pasadena

If it’s Saturday then it must be Pasadena! Following my delivery of a paper in Oxford on President Bush’s emotional reaction to the events of 9/11, I am in California to address the ISA conference on the International and the Individual, on my evolving work examining the life of Robert S. McNamara. 
My paper addresses the price that McNamara paid for his access to power from 1960-67 at the height of the Cold War and is derived from my inquiry into Robert McNamara and the American century.
My follow up paper, ‘Virtual McNamara’ has been accepted for inclusion at the ISA annual conference in San Diego in April 2012, granting me a platform to continue my work on this fascinating individual.

JDB live on The Scholars' Circle,KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles with Mearsheimer & Walt

September 24, 2011

JDB interview with Mearsheimer and Walt

September 24, 2011