JDB and King's College, London

I am proud to announce that I have been appointed a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at King’s College, London.
Kings is recognised as one of the leading research universities in the world and it is a very great honour to be associated with the distinguished group of men and women who have worked there since its founding in 1828.
Over the coming years I will be continuing to conduct research and produce materials that examine the role of the United States on the world stage and will be greatly assisted in my ability to do so with this new and exciting development that will open doors not only at Kings, but with affiliated universities worldwide.
I will be continuing at Richmond University in London in my capacity as Associate Professor and Director of the International Relations Postgraduate Degree Programme.

"The Next Vice-President of the United States..."

May 30, 2012

JDB and Monocle Radio

May 30, 2012